Does the weight of running your own Business lead you to times of overwhelm?

Perhaps you have lots of ideas and goals, but just don’t seem to make progress.

Monday Morning Club is a weekly group coaching session for Creatives, Freelancers, Visionary Business Owners and Inspiring Founders. Led by me, the Monday Morning Club is the perfect remote space to gather your thoughts and focus for the week ahead.

If you work from home, and largely work alone, a Monday Morning group session can bring you that team and community environment right at the start of the week which is so beneficial.

Do you sometimes struggle to start the week with motivation? Then this is for you.

I create a welcoming, nurturing, professional space, which transports you from isolation, to a group of like minded small businesses. The Club is a space where I guide you through processes and tools, to help you bring focus, energy and motivation to your week in a way that is right for you.

We meet EVERY Monday at 9.30am using Zoom, and don't worry, I'll be doing all the talking, and you have the option to share any thoughts or questions via the chat function. Our start time allows for a slow breakfast beforehand, or time for the school run, or you could even squeeze in a dog walk before you join.

The session is 30 minutes long, and you’ll be amazed at the impact that a focussed 30 minutes can have on your working week and your mindset too.

The Club sessions are uplifting and encouraging, with different themes each month, and a level of accountability that suits you. Sound like what you need? I’d love to see you on Monday Morning, and start making a difference to your working week.

Join the Club and

love Mondays,

Monday Morning Club Membership
Every month

As a member of the Monday Morning Club, you are part of a Freelance and Small Business Community. Every Monday Morning at 9.30am [UK time] you are invited to join a LIVE Zoom session, hosted by Esther, which is created to get you ready for the week ahead. If you struggle with motivation, clarity, procrastination, or sometimes just can't get going on a Monday, this is for you.

✓ Weekly 30 Minute Group Coaching Sessions
✓ Additional 20-30 Minutes of Q&A Time Each Week
✓ Private Instagram Community Page
✓ Join & Cancel Anytime
Monday Morning Club Trial
 When you subscribe to my mailing list
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Tell me more…

  • The Club is a monthly membership of just £25, which works out about the same as a coffee and cake each week. And for that price, you will receive weekly coaching, mentoring and motivation, to inspire you to have productive and focused weeks in your business, while putting YOU at the top of the list to manage the overwhelming moments.

    Monday Morning Club holds your hand, while you create new, weekly habits to support your mindset, articulate and achieve your goals, show up for your business, while investing in YOU each week.

    Alongside the weekly sessions, you will also have Member access to my Private Monday Morning Club Instagram page, where I will be on hand for any specific support and accountability which is exclusive to Club Members. So if you ever can’t make one of the sessions, there will be some recap posts to inspire you.

  • You can join the members sessions from anywhere, so whether you are at home, in a coffee shop, on a train, or in your workspace, as long as you have access to Zoom (and headphones for a public place) then you can join Monday Morning Club from pretty much anywhere.

  • I am incredibly passionate about the impact and positivity that comes from a ‘start of the week’ group session, and this comes from my many years of experience leading a large creative team. Self Employment can be a lonely place at times, and self direction can be exhausting and overwhelming. By having a regular appointment in your diary, which is focussed time for you and your goals, you will lean into the working week with clarity and energy.

    After coaching and mentoring creative businesses for the last 3 years, I understand that investments need to be affordable, valuable, and make a difference. I also know the importance of community, motivation, empathy and understanding, and the power of coaching.

    So I’ve made sure that Monday Morning Club ticks all these boxes. For you.

  • Well, I am an experienced Leader who has managed large Creative Design teams for over 15 years. I am Certified Coach, and Business Mentor. For the last 3 years, I have worked 1:1 with Creative and Visionary Businesses, offering advice, coaching, guidance and hands on immersive Creative Project work for exciting Brands all over the World. I’ve spent 2 years meeting with over 30 Small Business owners each month, spending time understanding their pressures, challenges, successes and talents.

    I’m also a mum of two, who has previously been a very overwhelmed and quite burnt out mum of two, and have learnt a lot along the way. And have so much that I can help and support you with too.

    You can tap into all of this knowledge, experience and insight on a weekly and monthly basis, and I am thrilled to bring you The Monday Morning Club.

What the Club Members are saying

  • “Lovely to see friendly smiley faces to start my week and get me motivated”

  • “As somebody who is newly self-employed and feels overwhelmed by the apparent mind field of it all, Esther's Monday morning club really gave me connection and focus.”

  • “It was a great start to the week, I came away from it excited to start tackling a very long to-do list. I even started working and ticking off things while listening in - it's left me feeling positive about what I can achieve this week.”

  • “I really loved Monday Club, it felt like I had colleagues”

  • “The perfect way to start my work week. Just half an hour with other small business owners facing the week ahead with different challenges and being inspired by Esther's knowledge, inspiration and positivity along with chat amongst ourselves."

  • "I left with a renewed determination to start the week and conquer my to do list from a fresh perspective.”

  • “The way Esther has structured these ‘Monday morning meetings’ works really well for me as a self-employed mum. Thank you Esther!”

  • “Starting the week feeling motivated and inspired after this Monday morning session Esther, it's so helpful to take a little time to reflect, plan and feel supported. Such a lovely group to begin the week with.”

Are you ready to join the Club?